Roger Bullivant Limited (RBL) played a key part in the siting of a new statue of one of the most famous figures in history.
The statue of Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled in London’s Parliament Square at a
ceremony attended by Prime Minister David Cameron.
It was erected to mark the 100th anniversary of Gandhi’s return to India to start the
struggle for independence from British rule.
Gandhi’s grandson, the former governor of West Bengal, Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi and Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan joined the Prime Minister at the inauguration ceremony.
But it could never have taken place without the help of foundations specialist Roger Bullivant Limited (RBL).
The company laid the foundations to support the statue of the Indian activist.
RBL delivered 16 bottom driven steel piles to depths between four and six metres to support the statue and the plinth it stands on.
Each pile is capable of carrying four tonnes in weight.
The project was completed in three days.
Gandhi looks out over the Palace of Westminster and joins the ranks of establishment figures such as Benjamin Disraeli and Sir Winston Churchill. His is the only statue of a person who never held political office.
The bronze statue cost £1m and was paid for through donations from people in Britain and India.
It stands 9ft tall and used three quarters of a tonne of bronze. The sculpture was
created by Philip Jackson and was inspired by a 1931 photo of Gandhi at No 10 Downing Street, where he met the then prime minister Ramsay MacDonald.
Gandhi Stands on Firm Foundations