Collaboration is Part of Our Culture

Roger Bullivant Limited Collaborating with University of Cambridge Students

Collaboration with Industry and Academia

At Roger Bullivant Limited (RB) we believe collaboration is key for building and remaining a successful business. We must keep abreast of new technologies, materials, issues and techniques within our own and other industries. These collaborations may be with other construction companies, equipment or component suppliers, research institutions such as the Building Research Establishment (BRE) or The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) or Universities. We have a long history of engaging with universities across the UK having supervised several PhD and MSc projects.

This was evident again on Friday 8th November when we hosted twenty MPhil students from The University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing. The MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture and Management (ISMM) is a one-year postgraduate programme designed to equip numerate graduates, primarily from Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM) backgrounds, with the skills, personal development and industrial experience to be immediately effective in their early careers in industry.

The students and their tutor were given a range of presentations. These included a company overview outlining the range of piling techniques we offer, a detailed presentation about our house foundation system and some of the management issues that we have overcome to allow us to react quickly and efficiently to client requests. The day finished with a presentation summarising the benefits we have gained from our varied industry collaborations and partnerships.

Site Tours

The students were then given a tour of our modern production facilities. Our precast production facilities are capable of producing >1,000,000 metres of precast concrete pile and >200,000 metres of precast concrete ground beam annually. They also toured the RB plant department including our in house plant manufacturing facility. The inhouse team is responsible for the design and build of purpose built machines suited exactly to match our product range.

It was great to see the students so engaged throughout the whole day. The group asked insightful questions covering a range of issues which continued over a networking lunch.

It is planned that RB will host two students during 2020. The students will work on a small number of strategic projects. We look forward to engaging in detail with these students. And, fully expect that they will provide some significant proposals to a real life issue. From our brief involvement to date they certainly seem like they will be immediately effective in their early careers.

Further Information

For further information on the MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture and Management.



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