To demonstrate the company’s support for Diabetes UK and the Diabetes Awareness Campaign, SHEQ Manager Paul Smith presents a cheque to Joy Jones from the charity. This marks the start of a week-long campaign in UK HQ which it is hoped will be rolled out to the rest of the company.
Diabetes is the most potentially devastating and fastest growing health crisis of our time
• Only 25% of the population think diabetes is a serious condition but the facts speak for themselves.
• Diabetes and its complications costs the NHS £10 billion a year, that’s 10% of its budget.
• Every week, diabetes leads to 140 lower limb amputations, 1,400 cases of heart failure, over 540 strokes and 455 people lose their lives prematurely to the condition.
• There are currently 4 million people in the UK living with diabetes, that’s more people than cancer and dementia combined. In addition 1 in 4 adults are at increased risk of developing the condition and every 2 minutes someone is diagnosed with diabetes in the UK.
What is RB offering employees as part of the RB Diabetes Awareness Campaign?
Toolbox talks:
These will be delivered to all Midlands staff during Diabetes week with a view to rolling the talks out across the country.
Know your risk:
These will be 15 minute consultations, which staff can request, which will simply go through basic measurements to generate a risk score for each individual. This will provide the individual with necessary information to continue to assess themselves in the future. All Midlands staff will be given the opportunity to take up this offer.
Fixing Dad Film, with healthy buffet:
Fixing Dad is a story about Geoff Whittington who was suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.
With the help and encouragement of his two sons, he has reversed his condition and is currently Diabetes free. This will be followed by a healthy buffet lunch.
Staff can register for both the Know Your Risk assessment and the healthy lunch.
We need to act now to tackle the diabetes crisis.
Diabetes UK’s mission is that by bringing people together to work in partnership, we will support those living with diabetes, prevent Type 2, make research breakthroughs in diabetes, and ultimately find a cure.
Three in five cases of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Diabetes UK is helping people to understand their risk of Type 2 diabetes by taking our ‘Know Your Risk’ assessment and supporting them to act to reduce their risk through lifestyle changes. In addition 69% of people with diabetes say they don’t fully understand their condition. Managing diabetes well is crucial to help avoid developing life-threatening complications. Diabetes UK is working to offer people with all types of diabetes accessible ways of learning to self-manage that are appropriate and suit them personally.